Each one has some principles.They stand by it, no matter what.TH is one solid example.But I wonder about how some of my principles vanish into thin air when comfort takes the priority.
Principle:Switch off the tv when not in use
Comort:My favourite programme will be telecasted in a few minuts, let the tv be on.Afterall, its good to have a feeling of someone talking to me.
Principle:Keep yourself fit,spend a few minutes on working out.
Comfort:What workout, I am tired.Its raining anyway.Will do it tomorrow.
Principle:Save energy.Cook once in the morning and once in the noon.
Comfort: Who will eat the food made in morning/ noon.Let me make something fresh for dinner.
Principle:Use old clothes to clean
Comfort:clothes have to be washed, use paper towels
Sigh! What do I say?I got to change.